Manufacturing and Materials



The aim of this doctoral study programmeme is to educate highly qualified experts in engineering technology who understand machining processes, additive technologies and quality assurance, special engineering, technologies and materials, production and processing of construction materials. Students focus mainly on technological preparation of production and machining processes of complex spatial surfaces from conventional and innovative materials, construction and development of tool cutting, use of the laser in machining processes, modern and progressive methods of machining, additive technologies including 3D printing and improvement of production quality processes, the analysis and research of thermomechanical, physico-mechanical and structural properties of materials. Moreover, it focuses on the research and development of polymeric membranes. Students also focus on research methods applied for the analysis of physical, mechanical and structural properties of these materials.

What will I learn

Students deepen their knowledge of engineering technologies and machining processes. They gain in-depth knowledge of automation of production processes, technology design, quality control, rationalization of work, robotics, special metrology and NC programmeming. They become experts in cutting and understand the use of abrasive tools and materials. They gain insight into experimental methods of machining, as well as progressive, modern methods of machining and the latest developments in the field of machining tools. They become familiar with modern engineering technologies and innovative materials. They understand the physical and chemical nature of these materials, and gain insight into the latest methods so that they know how to work with their parameters and qualities. Students understand, for example, the spectroscopic methods or thermal analysis. Moreover, they gain in-depth knowledge of research methods and learn how to analyse the physical and mechanical structural properties of modern materials used in mechanical engineering. Students also understand new technologies related to the preparation of materials, such as work with laser or quantitative thermography. They also focus on the design and properties of surface layers. Anohter aim is focus to most effective methods for the production and processing of materials, such as casting, forming, welding and mechanical-heat treatment. Students focus on non-destructive testing of engineering materials and constructions, and modeling of forming and welding processes. They understand the preparation of advanced ceramic materials, laser technology, and become familiar with modern trends in the development of non-metallic materials. They master the plasticity theory and thermal analysis. Students gain insight into the design and properties of surface layers and plasma technology.


Graduates find employment in engineering companies and research and development departments, focused on special and innovative technologies and materials. Or, they can work in research organizations focused on machining technology as research and development employees, project managers, top managers, experts in designing research and development projects, specialists for inspection and quality control, experts for failure assessment of research and development projects, or academic researchers. They can also find employment at Czech or foreign university research centres focused on materials research. Moreover, they can work in large multinational engineering companies as experts in materials engineering and advanced technologies.