Automatic Control and Robotics



The study programme Computer Control of Machines and Processes is considered very attractive and its graduates certainly find their place in the labour market. It is estimated that within ten years, there will be up to 90 percent of all employees working on the development of software tools for this booming field. More detailed information and instructions for submitting an application form are available on the Faculty's website section Admissions.

What will I learn

In the course of studies, students gain knowledge of the theories, concepts and methods related to cybernetics and management. They will understand the methods of signal measuring and processing, as well as the methods used for simulation and modelling of technical and non-technical processes. Attention will be paid to the development of control systems working with artificial intelligence.


After graduation, students can work for companies focused on the development of computer control systems of industrial processes. They can develop embedded control systems with advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence for a wide range of machines and robots.