


This Bachelor’s degree programme focuses on basic mathematical techniques, such as linear algebra, discrete mathematics and statistics. Students gain knowledge in geomatics, informatics and cybernetics. The study programme is designed for students interested in geodesy, photogrammetry, cartography, programming techniques or modelling systems. More detailed information and instructions for submitting an application form are available on the Faculty's website section Admissions.

What will I learn

This study programme consists of theoretical courses andcourses that are focused on the application of theoretical knowledge in practice, mainly in geodesy. In addition, students learn to independently acquire spatial data by using classic and modern methods and how to analyse them . They also gain a deeper understanding of geographic information systems, and learn how to create basic and thematic maps of various scales.


This study programme is an excellent preparation for the study of the follow-up Master's programme Geomatics. Students find employment in companies focused on the development and application of database and geographic information systems, in land registries, in public administration bodies, or in companies focused on GIS mapping software or on the development of internet and web applications. They can also work in crisis management or as providers and administrators of data sets.