Artificial Intelligence and Automation



The aim of this Bachelor's degree study programme is to educate experts on the development, implementation and operation of smart systems and processes. Students gain knowledge and skills in the field of the application of intelligent decision-making methods and process control of topics related to economics, ecology and medicine. More detailed information and instructions for submitting an application form are available on the Faculty's website section Admissions.

What will I learn

In the course of the study, students gain in-depth knowledge of the development and implementation of information and operating systems which work with artificial intelligence. Attention will be paid to the measurement and processing of signals and to process simulation and modelling. Emphasis is placed on both the theoretical knowledge and the subsequent use of experience in practice.


The Bachelor’s degree study programme Intelligent Man-Machine Communication is an excellent preparation for the follow-up Master’s degree programme Engineering Informatics and Applied Sciences and Informatics. Graduates find employment in companies focused on information and communication technologies, or in the field of control systems.