Artificial Intelligence and Automation



The aim of this specialisation of the Cybernetics and Control Engineering programme is to train experts in artificial intelligence methods, diagnostics of systems, both technical and non-technical, and process automation. More detailed information and instructions for submitting an application form are available on the Faculty's website section Admissions.

What will I learn

During your studies you will learn to understand and use methods and techniques of machine perception of the environment (processing of spoken and written language, computer vision, intelligent communication with machines). In addition, you will gain the ability to model discrete and hybrid systems, and learn methods for technical and medical diagnostics and process monitoring. The emphasis is on both theoretical knowledge and the subsequent application of knowledge in practice.


Your studies will prepare you to either enter directly into practice, where you will use a systems approach to solve problems in fields focused on machine learning, computer processing of speech and natural language or digitized images, or technical and medical diagnostics. Another option is to continue your studies in doctoral programmes of similar focus both at ZČU and at other universities in the Czech Republic or abroad.